Specializing in Government Relations & Strategic Alliances
EJ Kimball has worked with political leaders in Europe, Latin America, Israel, Egypt and North America. By providing strategic advice and practical assistance in navigating the highly dynamic international affairs sector, EJ has helped to impact policy around the world. This has included work with a broad array of clients including non-governmental organizations, foreign governments, major foundations, issue advocacy groups, corporations and international organizations.
As a national security consultant, EJ Kimball has provided briefings and strategic expertise to US Government agencies including FBI, CIA, and DOD. He has provided numerous briefings to law enforcement, members of the intelligence community, business leaders and religious groups.
Design and implementation of government relations and educational issue-oriented campaigns to secure measurable policy success
Strategic counsel and tactical advice
Intelligence gathering
Issue monitoring
Policy analysis
Relationship building
Message and materials development
Legislative drafting
Navigating the halls of Congress can be a difficult challenge even for those familiar with the inner workings of Congress. In today's highly partisan world of DC politics, EJK Strategies provides the ability to create innovative strategies to engage bi-partisan appeal for issues related to US relations with Israel, Latin America, and national security. Mr. Kimball has built organizational presences in DC and helped those with a presence become "go-to" resources for House and Senate offices.
EJ Kimball serves as the President of EJK Strategies and is a foreign policy and national security consultant with over 10 years experience working in Washington, DC. EJ most recently served as the Director of US Operations for the Israel Allies Foundation where he built a niche pro-Israel organization into the “go-to” resource on Capitol Hill for pro-Israel and Middle East policy.
EJ was the key coordinator and leader on Capitol Hill for all issues related to Islamic terrorism and ideology. He served as Foreign Policy Counsel to US Congresswoman Sue Myrick (NC) and was Staff Director of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus. Following his time on the Hill, EJ was Director of Government Relations for Jorge Scientific Corporation. He is also a national security consultant providing training to law enforcement professionals, national security organizations, business groups and religious communities on the nature of the extremist threat and engagement techniques.
He graduated from Boston University, earned his Juris Doctor from Western New England College, and received a Master’s degree in International Affairs from the American University School of International Service. He also has a diploma in Islamic Studies from the Fanar, Qatar Islamic Cultural Center, focused on Islamic Law as understood by Salafists.


The Florida legislature made a big statement on Wednesday: The State of Florida benefits from its economic relationship with Israel and it wants nothing to do with the bigotry and discrimination of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) Movement.

E.J. Kimball said the attendees were enthusiastic about strengthening their countries’ ties with Israel.
Several days before the summit, the Argentinean government determined that Nisman’s death was an assassination rather than suicide, paving the way for a deeper look into Iran’s connection to the murder.

Reports that one of the eight jihadists involved in the Paris terrorist attacks may have been a Syrian citizen, and that the attack was masterminded by one of Islamic State’s Syrian-based commanders, should give America strong pause as we debate the proposed plan to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees into our country next year.

EJK Strategies
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